
21 October



from the G 2/21 preliminary opinion

Plausibility: Insights from the G 2/21 preliminary opinion The EPO’s Enlarged Board of Appeal (EBA) referral G 2/21 will hopefully clarify the circumstances under which a purported technical effect can be relied on for inventive step and supported by post-published evidence. The recently issued preliminary opinion, which is non-binding, hints towards favouring the ‘ab initio... right arrow

18 October



The “10 Day Rule” is Going

The Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA) has reported that the Administrative Council of the EPO passed a package of rules, on 13 October 2022, which includes an amendment of Rule 126(2) EPC removing what has become well-known as the “10 day rule”. The package of rules is intended to “adapt the rules of the... right arrow

13 October



Brazil one step closer to joining Hague system for International Designs

Registered design protection is an effective way of protecting a product’s market share from similar looking competing products and obtaining registered designs can significantly improve a company’s position in case a dispute arises. Each country/region has their own laws regarding design protection and their own systems for registering designs. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain... right arrow

7 October



UPC Roadmap Published

The Preparatory team for the Unified Patent Court (UPC) has just issued an ‘implementation roadmap’ outlining the key activities and milestones of the UPC in the coming months ahead of the court’s opening. The roadmap confirms that the aim is for the UPC to open on 1 April 2023. The period for filing opt-outs from... right arrow

5 October



The art of the possible – UKIPO publishes its AI patent guidelines

The fading of summer is often one of those times to finish off all of those tricky projects that have built up. This is always a never-ending race as just as one thing is signed off external events find something new for you to do. In this case the UK Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO) has... right arrow


BWT Boult Bite TM Magazine Spring 2021

Welcome to the Spring edition of boult.bites. Inside this issue you will find our main article: Brexit four months on, which discusses getting to grips with the changes and challenges of the UK in its post-EU landscape. You will also find: Insight articles and team news, including our staying connected staff profile on Katharina Baker, a trade mark attorney in our London office.

boult.bites TM Brexit Edition 2021

In this Brexit special edition of boult.bites TM we discuss the impact of post Brexit within the IP world. We have included a check list with key steps you should consider for rights holders.
Brexit latest including a summary of the post Brexit changes on and our Brexit news articles covering recent major changes that affect pending actions at the EUIPO before 31 December 2020, use and reputation in the UK going forward and changes to geographical indications from 1 January 2021.

boult.bites TM Autumn 2020

Welcome to the Autumn edition of boult.bites TM. In this issue, we discuss the important changes to trade mark and design rights in the UK and the steps you can take. We highlight our readiness for the new Brexit world, having full-service offices in the UK, Germany, and Spain And, we throw the spotlight on Alexander Stolz, a German Solicitor in our Berlin office.

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Be Brexit-ready with our Brexit toolkit