Boult Wade Tennant
Boletines » Increases in the European Patent Office’s Official Fees.

The EPO are increasing their official fees on 1 April 2023.

This fee increase is unusual in that the EPO has historically raised its fees every two years.  However, this latest increase comes one year after the last rise on 1 April 2022.  The last fee increase saw fees rise by around 2.5%, whereas the new fee schedule sees most fees rise by around 5%.

The increases apply to fees paid on or after 1 April, so clients can take steps to avoid the latest fee rises by instructing us to bring some work forward and ensure it is filed on or before 31 March 2023.

For example, direct European patent application filings may be brought forward from the 1 year priority deadline to avoid the fee increase.  Similarly, PCT regional phase entries may be brought forward from the 31-month deadline to avoid the additional expense.

Renewals also provide another opportunity to save expense.  Renewal fees covering years 4 to 20 can be paid up to 3 months in advance, while the renewal fee covering year 3 can be paid up to 6 months in advance.  This means we can pay renewal fees before the end of March to avoid the higher fees for applications with a filing date of April, May and June (as well as those with a filing date of July, August and September 2021).

Further information can be obtained through your usual contact at Boult Wade Tennant or from Nigel Tucker.

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