My trade mark practice includes high profile clients across a wide range of sectors, with my main areas of focus being in the engineering, automotive, entertainment and media sectors. I am well known in both the Asian and American markets.
The big strength of our profession is our internationalism and Boult in particular has appreciated the need for a global outlook for decades. We are fortunate to have some excellent and valuable overseas offices in Spain and Germany. I have strong links in India, Singapore and Malaysia, with India being a market that I understand extremely well and a country I visit frequently. The firm has some significant direct clients in India. It’s exciting to have helped the firm build a trade mark practice in India and to see it grow significantly over the years.
I especially enjoy providing strategic advice; looking at trade mark issues tactically and discerning where potential concerns might arise, so that we can anticipate and mitigate them, sometimes avoiding them entirely. When problem solving and resolving disputes, I prefer to take a long view that’s also global, because thinking internationally about our clients and their brands is critical to securing the best possible protection for them.
I am an active member and have been chair and vice chair of several leading industry committees, such as for INTA, and am delighted to currently be vice chair of two committees for the American Bar Association (ABA). I always really enjoy speaking at the ABA. I have given a number of talks for professional organisations in India.
A highlight of my role is seeing the people that I’ve trained doing really well in our profession; the team I work with are just fantastic. We are a happy bunch at Boult and I feel lucky to be here, surrounded by such great people and having the opportunity to work with fantastic clients – which is the result of everyone’s collective effort.