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People » Jemma Jacobs

Jemma Jacobs

Senior Associate


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  • CIPA
  • EPI
  • European Patent Attorney
  • Chartered UK Patent Attorney
  • Certificate in Intellectual Property Law, Queen Mary University of London
  • MEng (Hons) Aeronautical Engineering, Imperial College London

I studied aeronautical engineering at Imperial College London. After graduating, I decided to pursue a career in patents as it afforded me greater exposure to a wider variety of technology than specialising would. I am now a Chartered Patent Attorney.

Day-to-day, my role encompasses the drafting, filing and prosecution of patents in all areas of general engineering. I have specific experience in aeronautical engineering, but my client base covers a wide spectrum of engineering specialisms. The opportunity to interrogate patents for fascinating new technology, and to play an important role in bringing them to the market, is something I take pride in. To be successful, you need to employ a balance between a technical and commercial mindset, which really appeals to me.

I particularly enjoy opposition work. Preparing an opposition requires an understanding of not only our clients’ technology, but also competing patents within the wider industry.

My work is often international in nature, and I regularly work with large-scale multinational firms on their international patent portfolios.I am well-versed in undertaking assignment or recordal projects – those involving the transfer of patents across a number of countries or jurisdictions.

During my Masters degree I undertook research at the Technion Israel Institute of Technology into the modelling of blood flow in the coronary vasculature using mathematical and computational methods. The resulting paper was published in the ASME (formerly the American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Journal of Biomechanical Engineering.

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“To be successful, you need to employ a balance between a technical and commercial mindset, which really appeals to me.”
Sector Experience
  • Elektrofahrzeuge
  • Motoren
Elektronik und Elektrogeräte
  • Medizinische Geräte
  • Optik
  • Wearable Tech und menschliche Schnittstellen
Energie und grüne Technologien
  • Erneuerbare Energien und Recycling
Industrielle Fertigung und Verarbeitung
  • Drucktechnik
  • Verpackung
  • Additive Fertigung
  • Beschichtungen
  • Bauwesen
Konsumgüter und Einzelhandel
  • Einzelhandel
Luft- und Raumfahrt
  • Commercial aviation
  • Unbemannte Fluggeräte
  • Verteidigung und Sicherheit
  • Weltraum und Satelliten
Medizinische Geräte und Diagnostika
  • Medizintechnik
  • Metallurgy and alloys
  • Verbundwerkstoffe

I studied aeronautical engineering at Imperial College London. After graduating, I decided to pursue a career in patents as it afforded me greater exposure to a wider variety of technology than specialising would. I am now a Chartered Patent Attorney.

Day-to-day, my role encompasses the drafting, filing and prosecution of patents in all areas of general engineering. I have specific experience in aeronautical engineering, but my client base covers a wide spectrum of engineering specialisms. The opportunity to interrogate patents for fascinating new technology, and to play an important role in bringing them to the market, is something I take pride in. To be successful, you need to employ a balance between a technical and commercial mindset, which really appeals to me.

I particularly enjoy opposition work. Preparing an opposition requires an understanding of not only our clients’ technology, but also competing patents within the wider industry.

My work is often international in nature, and I regularly work with large-scale multinational firms on their international patent portfolios.I am well-versed in undertaking assignment or recordal projects – those involving the transfer of patents across a number of countries or jurisdictions.

During my Masters degree I undertook research at the Technion Israel Institute of Technology into the modelling of blood flow in the coronary vasculature using mathematical and computational methods. The resulting paper was published in the ASME (formerly the American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Journal of Biomechanical Engineering.

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