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Archive: Bulletins

Dezember 20, 2023

“Just one more thing…” – UK IPO appeals recent UK High Court decision on patentability of artificial neural networks in the UK

Just as it looked like Sir Anthony Mann’s High Court judgement in the Emotional Perception AI case would be the last most

November 23, 2023

“It’s been emotional” – UK IPO AI guidelines temporarily suspended and new statutory guidance on artificial neural networks following decision from the UK High Court

Sometimes things move very fast in UK patent law. Today, eight days after the England and Wales High Court decision overturning a

November 8, 2023

The EPO returns to requiring handwritten signatures on assignments

Further to our previous bulletin reporting that the EPO were now accepting electronic signatures on assignments, a recent decision by an EPO

November 2, 2023

Priority following consolidated cases G1/22 and G2/22

The Enlarged Board of Appeal’s recent decision in consolidated cases G1/22 and G2/22 has greatly simplified the consideration of priority entitlement at

Oktober 9, 2023

EPO Board of Appeal aims to clarify the correct approach to claim interpretation when assessing patentability

In Opposition and Appeal proceedings at the EPO, the questions of when and how to turn to the description to interpret the

Oktober 3, 2023

The EPO’S guidelines and machine learning

The EPO has published its Guidelines to provide guidance on various proceedings before the EPO, such as for the search and examination

Training data in patent specifications – the direction of travel

With the recent expansion in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies, and an associated rise in the number of AI related

EPO Board of Appeal highlights difficulties in establishing inventive step in machine learning cases

A recent decision from the EPO’s Technical Boards of Appeal (T2803/18) highlights a pitfall for applicants wishing to patent systems and methods

Assessing patentability in artificial intelligence patent applications at the EPO

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance and transform various industries, the protection of AI-related inventions through patents becomes increasingly important. Artificial

September 21, 2023

China’s consultation proposes significant amendments to its trademark law

China is proposing to overhaul its trade mark law, largely in an effort to combat the scourge of bad faith filings. On