Home > Insights > Brexit: Guidance from the UKIPO
18 January, 2019

On 16 January 2019, the UKIPO published a summary guide to Brexit and the impact on IP on the Gov.uk website here.  The guide has embedded links to more detailed reports, including a Trade Mark report which was updated on 17 January 2019.

It is still possible that an orderly withdrawal will be negotiated, which will preserve the status quo until at least the end of 2020.  Even in the event of a “no deal” exit, however, these guides provide as much certainty and ease for rights holders as possible. For example, the UK government has confirmed that on Brexit day, all EUTM registrations will automatically clone into EU27TM registrations and UK registrations; all pending EUTM applications will have a special nine-month priority window to file UKTMs.

We suggest reviewing your IP to ensure it is adequate for your needs whatever the outcome.

If you would like to discuss reviewing your portfolio in light of Brexit please speak to Charlotte Duly or your usual advisor.