Home > Engineering and designs > Protecting commercial interests: Winfrasoft
26 January, 2015

In a nutshell: Winfrasoft became aware of a third party’s patent that had recently been granted by the European Patent Office and was uncomfortably similar to their product.

The task: We were asked to oppose the patent to minimise its scope such that it could not be used to hinder Winfrasoft’s activities. We were also asked to accelerate the prosecution of Winfrasoft’s own pending application to give them the confidence that the key to their highly secure product could not be copied by others.

Result: The opposition proceedings were completed with a hearing that resulted in the revocation of the third party’s patent. This decision has not been appealed and so Winfrasoft can now proceed with their commercial aims without the uncertainty that the patent brought. We have also recently successfully prosecuted Winfrasoft’s own application through the grant.